Dear Taylor Swift,

Dear Taylor Swift, You came in my life as that song that plays on your radio which you know you like, a song that tries to tell a story, a fairytale of old times but with a happy ending, and I think I fell in love with the song, slowly, and then all at once.Continue reading “Dear Taylor Swift,”

The last musing

Tonight, I’m sad. Tonight, I feel lonely. My hands slipped in pursuit of yours, There, Where you no longer are. I got to witness the happiest shade of white when we rambled on and roamed around, did I ever tell you that? With you, I felt the desperation in my soul taking the best ofContinue reading “The last musing”

Know me to know me.

This sunset screams of an ambiguous acquaintance, The kind we have, or claim to have, I don’t know, Spilled in the sky are these golden azure shades, burning, wildly with passions of these infinite inexplicable emotions that some share, Do you see it burning, This very moment, As it hides its fears, offering a comfortingContinue reading “Know me to know me.”